Motor 14-8015
Ships from AU and is sold by Mr. Pinball Australia$45.46
Motor – no pinion gear
Motor only with splined shaft. Cable and pinion gear not included.
See 14-8015ASSY for assembly.
Used on:
Williams MEDIEVAL MADNESS pinball machine Drawbridge Gate assembly (fits both drawbridge versions: A-21723 and A-22033).
Williams MONSTER BASH pinball machine: Frankenstein Monster mechanism #A-22422 (reverse wire polarity to reverse motor rotation) and Up/Down target assembly A-22275
Bally CORVETTE pinball machine Track assembly A-19134 and A-19004
Bally CACTUS CANYON pinball machine Train assembly A-22271
14-8015 motor
03-9222 plastic pinion gear
H-22008-8 cable