Bally/Williams WPC Under Cabinet Lighting Kit
Ships from US and is sold by Pinball Life$39.95
Make your WPC-era game look fantastic with these under-cabinet lighting kits.
Installs in minutes. Lamps are secured with adhesive velcro for easy removal.
Available in Red & Green.
Choose color from the drop-down menu.
Game Compatibility List:
Addams Family
Addams Family Gold
Black Rose
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Demolition Man
Dirty Harry
Doctor Who
Fish Tales
Gilligan's Island
Harley-Davidson (Bally)
High Speed II: The Getaway
Indiana Jones
Indianapolis 500
Johnny Mnemonic
Judge Dredd
No Fear
Party Zone
Popeye Saves the Earth
Red & Ted's Roadshow
Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Flinstones
The Machine: Bride of Pinbot
The Shadow
Theatre of Magic
Terminator 2
Twilight Zone
Who Dunnit
World Cup Soccer