Avengers I-R-O-N and Arc Reactor Color Bracket Set

Avengers I-R-O-N and Arc Reactor Color Bracket Set

Sold by Pin Monk
Avengers: Infinity Quest (Pro)

CrrrrhhkKKKK! Shwihhhh-BOOOM. The sound was at once everywhere and nowhere, yanking me from a fitful sleep in the cool night of fall. I slid my legs out from under the sheets, swinging them over the edge of the bed and standing unsteadily, struggling to make sense of what happened just as a deep, abusive throbbing that seemed to make the ground beneath my feet quiver came. A thunderstorm. It was just a thunderstorm, but with spectacular lightning and persuasive thunder that seemed to be drilling from the heavens directly overhead right into the ground at my feet. Flash---CRACK! Another bolt of electric blue split the sky followed by more thunder exploded, ushering Laysah into my room and under my bed.