SpeakEasy - frustration saver for Stern wood speaker panels

SpeakEasy - frustration saver for Stern wood speaker panels

Sold by Apron Envy

Hi everyone, up for consideration is my take on a solution that I've been looking for quite some time. I've got a handful of older Stern DMD games with wood speaker panels and every time I lower the speaker panel out of the game and rest it on the side rails, the panel just winds up sliding down the face of the game until is comes to a stop due to being stranded by the speaker wiring harness, DMD wiring harness or ground strappings. Regardless of what finally "catches" it, the end result is always the same - the panel hanging at an angle via one wire under stress. I've tried towels under the panel, etc. and nothing seems to help - it always "slides" and I always get frustrated.