Judge Dredd Lighted Cooling Towers
Sold by DevilsMuse Arcade$150.00
Judge Dredd
This is a GREEN or RED, 3D printed , assembled, masked ,primed, airbrushed, hand painted, and wired 3 Tower set. Each tower has an LED bulb, socket and wiring to the next tower, etc. I used matrix connectors and the Mod connects to the GI bulb socket on the playfield below the plastic for the captive balls. First remove the old plastic stand-up cooling towers, enlarge one specific hole left over from the removal of the stand-ups. This is where you push the matrix connector through the plastic to make connection to the playfield GI bulb socket. Matrix connectors, and matrix bulb socket power connector included. Hooking this up to the GI of the playfield will give you a constantly lit CoolingTowers. Or you can hook it up to the flashing "Meltdown" insert light , however I will need to change the bulbs out to incandescent. Towers come with LEDs, but upon request I can install incandescent bulbs for Meltdown mode only lighting. Each tower comes with a small adhesive strip for attachment to the playfield plastic. You can however permanently attach the towers to the plastic with screws, not supplied.