Dimming Backbox Panel
Sold by Arcade Upkeep$65.00
AC/DC (Pro)
Big Buck Hunter Pro
Family Guy
High Roller Casino
Independence Day
Indiana Jones
Iron Man
Iron Man Classic
Lost In Space
Metallica (Pro)
Pirates of the Caribbean
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Sharkey's Shootout
South Park
Space Jam
Star Trek (Pro)
Star Wars Trilogy
Starship Troopers
Striker Xtreme
The Avengers (Pro)
The Lost World Jurassic Park
The Rolling Stones
The Simpsons Pinball Party
The X Files
Viper Night Drivin'
Wheel Of Fortune
X-Men (Pro)
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Kiss (Pro)
Game of Thrones (Pro)
Ghostbusters (Pro)
Aerosmith (Pro)
Star Wars (Pro)
Guardians of the Galaxy (Pro)
AC/DC (Pro Vault Edition)
Deadpool (Pro)
Jurassic Park (Pro)
Our LED backbox panel automatically dims itself when the game starts and fades back to full brightness when the game is over. It's all the benefits of having a full LED backbox panel, brighter more even light, without the glare that comes with it. Also the brightness level and dim level are adjustable so you can set them to look just right for your machine. Installation of this kit is very easy, and uses hardware already in your machine. Then just make the few connections, no soldering or splicing required, and you're done! This kit comes with everything you need for a total price of $65.