POTC Black Pearl Actuating Protection & Alignment Kit

POTC Black Pearl Actuating Protection & Alignment Kit

Sold by Pinball Mod Co.
Pirates of the Caribbean

Here's a little upgrade kit to help with your Black Pearl motion, ramp gap and backboard wear. I noticed on my game, at least, that the backboard was getting worn down by the white bushing on the Black Pearl link arm. I suspected this would continue to get worse and increase the slack in the front to back movement of the ship. I don't believe the ship is supposed to move front to back at all. The alignment of the pins and the way the mechanism connects leaves a lot of slop in that axis and this kit will tighten that right up. It pushes the ship as far forward as it should be which closes up the gap between the ship and the ramp in many cases. There is a protection plate which goes on the backboard and a replacement bushing that goes on the connection pin which mate together. Those combined tighten up the ship left to right movement as well, making it slide smoother and with less of a jerky movement.