Wood Cabinet Video Display TV

Wood Cabinet Video Display TV

Sold by Sparky Pinball
Family Guy
Scared Stiff
South Park
Tales from the Crypt
The Addams Family
Twilight Zone
The Walking Dead (Pro)
Ghostbusters (Pro)

Wood Grain TV...plays video clips on a loop. Play video on power up and repeat until power down! The small size of the TV makes installation options easy and allow for a variety of locations to accommodate other mods you may have installed. This mod requires a 5v power source. Finding power for your is also a breeze! Plug n play using Stern's unused plug inside the cabinet near the service box. A board adapter comes with WPC, WPC 95, or Data East titles. You can also purchase tv for SPIKE and SPIKE 2 games, but you would need to purchase a power adapter from another vendor (Mezelmods or Pinball Life). Just make sure the adapter has a 5v plug. You can also use an external power source for 5v. Contact me for questions about video.